ViewerBoss Review 2023 — Is this service a scam?

Last Updated on 01/02/2023 by Dean

This is a comprehensive review for Viewerboss.

In this review you’ll learn:

  • Is Viewerboss a scam?
  • Does Viewerboss work?
  • Is this service safe to use?
  • What are the reviews for Viewerboss?

If you don’t want to read through the review, you can [skip to our conclusion].

Viewerboss Review

What is Viewerboss?

Viewerboss is a view botting service for Twitch that is used by streamers to artificially boost their viewer count and appear more popular and successful.

If you’ve ever wanted to stream to over 100 people by pressing a single button, Viewerboss will let you do exactly that.

Viewerboss sells followers for Twitch as well.

How Viewerboss works

The way viewerboss works is pretty straightforward:

  1. Sign up for an account
  2. Select a pricing package (e.g. 25 viewers)
  3. Navigate to your bot panel in the dashboard and type in your Twitch channel info
  4. Get live views

Viewerboss pricing

Viewerboss has the following pricing packages for live views:

viewerboss pricing

Each package is for a 30-day period but you can also select packages for 60, 90,180 and 360 days.

Viewerboss has no single-use packages or weekly packages.

They also don’t have a free trial available to test out their service…

Pricing-wise, Viewerboss is quite affordable compared to other viewbotting services.

For pricing, I give them 3/5 stars.

Viewerboss support

Viewerboss claims to have 24/7 chat support but this is completely false.

In fact, in the last week, I haven’t seen them online once.

viewerboss support

I haven’t even gotten to talk to them to review their support, that’s how unresponsive they are.

While the live chat is offline, you can send in a message request but they have yet to reply to my message request.

The reviews for Viewerboss say the exact same thing (as I will showcase later) support is non-responsive and never online.

For support, I give them 0/5 stars.

What is the refund policy? Will I get my money back?

From the reviews I’ve read, Viewerboss does not issue any refunds to users.

Here’s what I found in their refund policy:

viewerboss refund

This about sums it up. They do not give out ANY refunds after a service is finished. They likely use this exact paragraph to not refund any orders even if you didn’t receive what you paid for.

They also have a zero tolerance for chargeback and instantly ban any accounts that attempt to chargeback their money.

Clearly Viewerboss does not care about retaining customers or giving them their money back when their service doesn’t work

0/5 stars for refund policy because there is none.

Viewerboss reviews – what does the community say?

Viewerboss has 41 reviews on Trustpilot.

viewerboss reviews on trustpilot

In total, Viewerboss has a 3.2 rating out of 5.

37% of the reviews on Trustpilot are 1 star reviews and 54% of the reviews are 5 stars.

Let’s take a bit closer look at the reviews of Viewerboss.

Many of the one star reviews are claiming the service is a scam. Obviously, this is a big red flag.

1 star viewerboss review on trustpilot
3  star viewerboss review on trustpilot

1 star reviewers often claim the service doesn’t work, at all, meaning they received 0 views.

They do have a strange amount of 5 star reviews from reviewers that have only left 1 review and are clearly fake accounts.

I also noticed the following… can you spot it?

fake viewerboss reviews

All of these 5 star reviews were posted from fake accounts on the same day.

So I dug a little bit further into their 5 star reviews…

Out of the 21 5 star reviews, only one of them did NOT look like a fake account.

And that’s this one:

positive viewerboss review

Make of that what you will, clearly people feel very scammed by this service.

Here’s a sum up of some of the negative things the 1 star reviews have to say:

  • Support is never online
  • Massively underdelivering live views
  • Unhelpful Support/just tells you to ‘wait’
  • Followers not received
  • Not giving refunds for failed orders
  • The list goes on…

Pros of using Viewerboss

  • Affordable pricing (for a viewerbot)

Cons of using Viewerboss

  • Underdelivering live views
  • Service doesn’t always work
  • Support is NEVER online
  • Terrible reviews online, many claiming this service is a scam

Final Rating

Here’s how I graded Viewerboss…

  • Functionality: 3/5
  • Pricing: 3/5
  • Support: 0/5
  • Refund policy: 0/5

Total: 1.5/5 stars

Should you use Viewerboss?

I would not recommend that you use Viewerboss.

While they do have affordable pricing and an attractive dashboard, that’s about where it ends for me.

For starters, they have zero support available. The support is simply never online, thus if you run into any problems at all, they won’t help you.

Need a refund? Not gonna happen.

As for the service itself, it works, sometimes. But if you paid for 25 views, expect only 15 to show up. Chatters are a joke and dead-obvious.

The online reviews for Viewerboss are terrible with many users claiming the service has scammed them and simply isn’t working or support isn’t replying.

I recommend you stay away from this service at all costs.

Alternatives to Viewerboss

I’ve reviewed a bunch of Twitch view botting services and rated them on a 5-star scale. So far, no view botting service has made it over 3 stars.

Viewerlabs3 stars
StreamerPlus1.5 stars
Streambot0.5 stars
views.run1.5 stars

Are viewing bots for Twitch even worth it…?

We don’t recommend using a viewing bot for Twitch for a number of reasons…

  1. By view botting, you are risking a permanent ban on Twitch. This means you would never be able to become an affiliate or partner on the platform and make money from Twitch.
  2. Not only that, but you are also risking your reputation. As I hopefully have sufficiently explained throughout this article, view botting is painstakingly obvious. You don’t want to be known as a viewbotter if you aim to make any type of career on Twitch.
  3. You could get scammed. The large majority of these view botting services that charge a lot of money to increase your viewer count, don’t actually deliver. The reviews of each of these services are painfully bad. If you don’t have money to blow, don’t purchase a viewbot.
  4. Viewbotting will make you lazy. Think about it, if you can achieve artificial views at the press of a button? Why would you ever bother not cheating? Why would you bother establishing a presence on social media and creating an audience for yourself when you have made everything SO easy on yourself?

We believe view botting will do a Twitch channel more harm than it will do good.

If you still want to learn more about view botting on Twitch, you can check out our full View Botting guide below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Viewerboss safe to use? Can it get me banned?

Any viewbotting service can result in a ban from Twitch.

Does Viewerboss have a free trial?

Viewerboss does not have a free trial. They claim this is because streamers were previously abusing their free trial and have since shut down this part of their service.

There is no way to test Viewerboss without paying for the service. All of the online reviews for Viewerboss say the service is a scam and even their own website has no proof that they aren’t.

Here’s what their website has to say about it…

viewerboss free trial

When you click on the first link you get this message:

viewerboss is a scam

So even the only proof that this is a legit company (uploaded by a third party) has since been removed.

If that’s not a bad look, what is?

Is Viewerboss a scam?

According to the reviews, Viewerboss is scamming their users by not giving out refunds, failing to deliver live views/underdelivering live views, support is always offline and unhelpful when online, the list goes on.

is viewerboss a scam?

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