FeelsGoodMan Twitch Emote Meaning & Origin
FeelsGoodMan meaning If a streamer pulls something off succesfully, FeelsGoodMan emotes are spammed in the chat. FeelsGoodMan can also be …
FeelsGoodMan meaning If a streamer pulls something off succesfully, FeelsGoodMan emotes are spammed in the chat. FeelsGoodMan can also be …
FeelsBadMan meaning If mistakes are made, FeelsBadMan emotes are spammed in the chat. Alternatively, FeelsBadMan is also used when a …
POGGERS meaning POGGERS stems from POG which means Play of the Game. Both POG and POGGERS originally stem from the …
PepeHands meaning It can be used as an alternative to the WidePeepoSad or Sadge emotes. Example (in Valorant) I shouldn’t …
PepeLaugh meaning PepeLaugh can be used as an alternative to the native-to-Twitch LUL emote. The PepeLaugh is often compared to …
OMEGALUL meaning OMEGALUL is a variant of the popular LUL emote. In this version, TotalBiscuit’s mouth is heavily enlarged to …
WidePeepoSad meaning WidePeepoSad is a variant of the PeepoSad emote, both emotes are based on the popular Pepe the frog …
WidePeepoHappy meaning WidePeepoHappy is a variant of the PeepoHappy emote, an emote based on the popular Pepe the frog meme. …
What does Sadge mean on Twitch? Sadge is a variant of the popular MonkaS and Pepega emotes and features Pepe …
What does the 5Head emote mean on Twitch? 5Head is a variant of the popular 4Head emote. In this version, …