WidePeepoSad Twitch Emote Meaning & Origin

Last Updated on 02/17/2023 by Dean

WidePeepoSad meaning

WidePeepoSad is a variant of the PeepoSad emote, both emotes are based on the popular Pepe the frog meme created by Matt Furie.

The meaning of WidePeepoSad is to convey an unimagineable amount of sadness.

This makes the WidePeepoHappy a more extreme variant of the Sadge emote, another Pepe the frog variant used to convey sadness.

WidePeepoSad Origin

The origin of WidePeepoSad and PeepoSad dates back to the origin of the Pepe the frog meme on the internet.

Pepe the frog is a creation of artist Matt Furie who uploaded the amphibian featured in a comic on his MySpace back in 2005.

Around 2008, the frog was picked up by 4chan and became a widely used meme on the infamous message boards. By 2015, Pepe the frog was a global meme found just about anywhere on the internet.

Not long after that, in 2016, one of the first Pepe the frog emotes ‘MonkaS‘ was uploaded to browser extensions for Twitch such as FrankerFaceZ and BetterTTV.

By 2017 Pepe the frog emotes had become widely popular on Twitch and many variants started popping up on Twitch.

On January 8th, 2018, 12 days after PeepoHappy, PeepoSad was uploaded to FrankerFaceZ. Then almost a year later in in December of that year, WidePeepoSad was uploaded as well.

Just like its opposite, the WidePeepoHappy emote, WidePeepoSad quickly became more popular than its original variant PeepoSad.

Today, WidePeepoSad is added to more than 77,000 Twitch channels through FrankerFaceZ.

According to Stream Elements, WidePeepoSad has over 12 million uses on FrankerFaceZ and is part of the top 50 FFZ emotes.

How to use the WidePeepoSad emote on Twitch

If you want to use WidePeepoSad on Twitch, you will have to install the FrankerFaceZ browser extension. Otherwise, just text will pop up for you.

  1. Go to Frankerfacez.com select your browser and download the browser extension, you will then be able to see the WidePeepoSad emote on supported Twitch channels.
  2. Alternatively, you can also go to BetterTTV.com and install this browser extension. On BetterTTV you can see FrankerFaceZ emotes as well. To enable these, head on over to chat settings on any Twitch chat and enable FrankerFaceZ emotes.

If you wish to add the WidePeepoSad and other emotes to your OWN Twitch channel, you can do so by signing in to FrankerFaceZ using your Twitch credentials and authorizing your Twitch account. Next, you can head over to the emote list and add Sadge to your Twitch channel.

Afterward, your viewers will then be able to use the WidePeepoSad emote on your Twitch channel and they will be able to see it if they have FrankerFaceZ/BTTV installed as a browser extension (which the majority does already anyway).

WidePeepoSad Variants

PeepoHappyFrankerFaceZ / BetterTTVPeepoHappy is the original variant of WidePeepoHappy. This emote is used for the same use, to express happiness.
WidePeepoHappyFrankerFaceZ WidePeepoHappy is the opposite of widePeepoSad and used to convey childlike happiness
PeepoSadFrankerFaceZThe original variant of WidePeepoSad. PeepoSad has the same meaning as WidePeepoSad.


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